SERVICES > Project Management and Integration

Effective Project Management requires distinct technical skills and strong communication strategies. The OutFit has recruited a team of experienced and high caliber Project Managers, Facility Specialists, and Construction Quality Managers.

By definition, a project is a temporary endeavor with a defined beginning and end. Add time constraints, unique goals and objectives, and defined deliverables, and you have effective Project Management.

The OutFit has recruited a team of experienced and high caliber Project Managers, Facility Specialists, and Construction Quality Managers. Through a disciplined approach to planning, organizing, communicating, controlling resources, and, most importantly, understanding the client’s mission, our team achieves all project goals and objectives with the highest performance standards in the industry. For example, The OutFit fully understands the delicate balance necessary to renew a military treatment facility to improve patient flow while coordinating all construction activities, Infection Control, and power outages so the clinic can remain fully functional during the project.

The OutFit takes pride in always being part of the solution and never the problem. We not only strive to meet the scope, time, budget, and quality of every project but also apply our expertise to create the best possible project delivery for the end-user – the medical staff and their patients – our military warriors and their families.

Our Mission »

The OutFit understands that analytics is a powerful process that ultimately can be an effective tool to assist General Officers and other Leadership with informed decision making during a project. Each program initiative is managed using the following life cycle approach – identify data source(s), determine report/deliverable format(s), transform data and document process, finalize, and implement quality control checks. Throughout this approach, team coordination and feedback are essential.

Through careful review of static, readily obtainable data, and metric analysis, we were able to determine a sustainable, mutually beneficial process which resulted in a recurring monthly project update that provides a high-level program overview that can easily be drilled down to the individual project level. Reporting is done via Excel and a Power BI dashboard. Metrics that are produced include overall project status, average percentage billed and dollar amount over budget, total number of modifications, and number of projects by fiscal year and by contractor. Through continued data evaluation, a risk status (black, red, amber, green) has been implemented based on specific time and cost.